I received my order, but the item is faulty/defective. What can I do?Updated a year ago
Please inspect your order upon reception. In the unlikely event that you've received a defective, damaged, faulty or incorrect item, please contact us via email at [email protected] so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right.
In order for us to evaluate the issue, please provide us with the following:
Brief details of the fault/defect
Evidence/photos of the fault/defect so to that our team can evaluate it properly
We may also ask you to send the item(s) back. If we do ask you to send the item(s) back, we will cover the return shipping costs by providing you with a pre-paid shipping label as well as clear instructions.
In the case of a defective/faulty item, we will offer you the choice of a full refund or replacement for the faulty/defective item.